Saturday, March 26, 2011

* Week-113上課內容 @ 03/27/2011 *

group assignments(03/27):

Class Notice:
. 本週進度: 於共下士道次修心 - 皈依三寶 (講義: 按此下載)

第四、既歸依已,所學次第分二:① 攝分中出,② 教授中出。


第五、由知勝利,晝三夜三,勤修歸依分二:① 攝分所出勝利,② 教授所出勝利。

  • 初中有二四聚。初四聚中,
  • 一、獲廣大福者
  • 二、獲大歡喜者
  • 三、獲三摩地,
  • 四、獲大清淨者

Sunday, March 20, 2011

* Week-112上課內容 @ 03/20/2011 *

Dear classmates,

Here is the agenda for 3/20 class:
  1. Group study a precious teaching by 如俊法師 on Grand Offering (廣大供養儀軌: 按此下載)
  2. We will practice Grand Offering together
  3. As we all are concerned about the disasters happening in Japan, how do we look at this with a more in-depth perspective? Shi-Fu gave a profound teaching on this topic years ago. We will take this opportunity to learn together.
There is no group assignment this week.

As always, look forward to having another insightful learning session with you!


* Week-111上課內容 @ 03/13/2011 *

group assignments(03/13):

Class Notice:
. 本週進度: 於共下士道次修心 - 皈依三寶 (講義: 按此下載)
  • 第四、既歸依已,所學次第分二:① 攝分中出,② 教授中出。
(3) 隨念悲故,亦應安立於諸眾生於是道理者,謂由悲愍,隨能安立諸餘有情令受歸依。
(4) 隨作何事,有何所須,皆當供養啟白三寶,棄捨世間諸餘方便者。謂隨作為何種所作,隨見何等緊要重事,應依三寶及興隨順三寶供養,於一切種,不應依止不順三寶邪道等儀,一切時中應當至心歸憑三寶